This School Holiday, The Learning Lab Invites You To Reimagine Homework

Homework is a compound word. It’s pretty easy to tell that it’s made out of “home” and “work”. But the link between these two words shouldn’t stop there.

This school holiday, The Learning Lab invites you and challenges you to reimagine ‘Home-work’ with us.

Why Does Homework Matter?

Research tells us that homework can help students to better retain, apply and recall what’s been learnt. We also know that homework can help your child hone a range of non-strictly academic skills like discipline, a sense of ownership and grit.

While these benefits are undeniable, parents still contend with the reluctance, frustration and tiredness of their children, who struggle to find any meaning in completing  their homework.

When homework piles up, motivation to learn decreases. And that’s the opposite of what we believe to be effective and deep learning.

We believe that homework shouldn’t be boring or tedious — it should be helpful, purposeful and relevant to what has been learnt in class and what is experienced outside of school.

That’s why we’ve taken a stand: we're reimagining what homework means to you and your child, without compromising on the need for practice and application of academic knowledge.


By showing you just how much ‘home’ there can be in homework, and you’ll see how it doesn’t always have to be about the ‘work’ all the time.

Why Reimagine Homework?

While we help our students fulfil their full potentials and continually improve in school, we want them to see how learning is relevant to their daily lives as well.

In preparing students to meet challenges in school, we must also ensure they are ready to solve problems, find creative solutions and make meaningful connections with others.

An Exclusive Interview On Homework

We speak to educator and mum, Joanne, together with her son, Tristan. In the following interview, find out more about what homework means to today’s students and their parents.

Joanne's Thoughts On Reimagining Home-Work

Q: What do you think about TLL's  campaign, which wants us to reimagine homework?

Joanne: The notion of putting “home” into “homework” is something which I resonate with very much. It is not so much of doing the work at home per se, but really using the home environment as a learning tool for a child to explore and gain the knowledge and understanding.

It enhances understanding when Tristan is able to apply knowledge in a practical context; and it is definitely more fun! When learning is not confined, it has so much more potential and imagination.

Q: Tristan is a part of TLL's Home-work video. What do you think of Tristan’ real-life listening comprehension with his grandfather?

Joanne: It was such a sweet moment seeing the two of them having that conversation.

It was a valuable opportunity for Tristan to hear life stories and experiences from Gong-Gong and I loved seeing the excitement and amusement on his face as he learnt of the differences between the two generations.

Q: What do you think is the importance of helping students see that homework can be relevant outside of school?

Joanne: Homework is not merely a form of assessment of understanding, but if it can be positioned as a means to challenge children to think critically, and to provide a connection to the real world, then it will become a meaningful for them.



Tristan's Thoughts On Reimagining Home-Work

Q: What are some of the challenges you face in doing homework?

Tristan: Sometimes I find the work very repetitive and boring, especially those work which requires me to copy and practice the same thing over and over again.

I like questions which allow me to give my own answers and it will be best if I can draw my answer as I enjoy drawing.

Q: How do you feel about homework that helps you solve real problems ?

Tristan: I like to solve questions which I can see in real life. Sometimes as I look around, I see things that I am curious to find out more.

Q: You're part of TLL's Home-work movement. Did you enjoy being featured in a real-life listening comprehension with your grandfather?

Tristan: It was fun talking to my Gong-Gong. He shared many life experiences about his childhood and school days and how he was too poor to buy books.

It was something that I am interested in and want to find out more. I kept asking him difficult questions until he found it hard to answer me!

Q: Why do you think putting the 'home' in homework is important?

Tristan: Because learning takes place everywhere! I like to explore and ask many questions as I go about my daily life.

I feel that I learn more and remember better when I ask those questions and I am happy when I find out the answers from my parents or teachers, or when I 'Google' it!

This School Holiday, Try A Different Type Of ‘Home-Work’

From fun Math-based recipes to cool Science fact-based hacks, we’ve prepared a whole load of unique Home-work ideas for your child to discover and learn from.

When we remember to take the lessons from the classroom and make them skills for life, we’re one step close to deeper and more meaningful learning.

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