3 Ways To Smoothly Navigate Primary 1


The Primary 1 journey is one marked by change, discovery and excitement.

As your child transitions from K2 to Primary 1, he or she has to manage crucial changes— adjusting to a bigger school, interacting with classmates and being more independent. In this half of your child’s first year in primary school, you may feel eager to find answers to these questions:

“How is my child doing in class?”

“Is there a way to ensure he or she is enjoying learning?”

“What are some methods I can use to guide my child with learning?”

Here are 3 easy ways you can help your child prepare for Primary 1.

1. Be In The Know

“The early years in primary school are a time of exploration. As the new semester begins, this is a good time to speak to your child’s teacher to find out how your child is progressing.”

- Ms Lee Sue Lynn, The Learning Lab’s Academic Director of Early Years

Keeping in touch with your child's teacher is essential as he or she is going to be your partner in education. Understanding how your child is adapting to his or her new school environment will help you make informed choices to support his or her development on the home front.

2. Encourage A Strong Interest In Content

Children deserve to enjoy learning. In Primary 1, as your child is exposed to a range of topics and concepts, cultivating a true love of learning is important.

At The Learning Lab, our programmes introduce captivating, real-world content to your child from an early age to encourage curiosity in the classroom and nurture a positive learning attitude in him or her.

“In Semester 2, our Primary 1 students can look forward to exciting curriculum topics, which range from Japanese gift fruits to future careers — even at this young age, it is important for them to learn about culture and society. Additionally, our cloze passages feature writing from notable works of fiction. Why? We believe that reading good pieces of writing helps each child to build language skills.”

- Ms Rachel Liu, English Curriculum Specialist for Primary 1 English

3. Look For The Right Environment

In the classroom, Primary 1 students benefit from a nurturing and friendly environment. The best environment for your young learner is one where the teacher encourages him or her to ask questions, share ideas and to take pride in each piece of work.

Children learn by asking questions. In a conducive environment, students learn to interact purposefully with others. This forms a great foundation to encourage independent, critical thinking in later years.

Setting Your Child On Track For Primary 1 And Beyond

Academic progress is achieved by a combination of a good game plan and the right mindset. Help your child perform to the best of his or her abilities this term.

Enrol your child in our Primary 1 tuition classes today.


If you have any enquiries about our programmes, please email us at enrollment@thelearninglab.com.sg or call us at 6733 8711 and we will be happy to assist you.